Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Survey Results (If you could go anywhere, where would you go and why?): Sorry about the formatting, it just won't display correctly!! The first set of words is the "place" mentioned, if there is a # following that, that's the # of times it was mentioned by different people. The last group of words is the reason.
mentioned (#) reason why
Alaska see Aurora Bourealis
New Zealand it's cool
Hawaii (4) looks fun, beaches
New York (3) never been before, shopping
Austrailia (2) scuba/snorkel the great barrier reef, play with animals
Yosemite (2) good place to camp
Yellow Stone camping
Korea (4) see Shin-Hwa, can't think of anything else
Mt. Whistler to ski
Vegas (2) drink, gamble
UCLA to keep Jason company
I don't know sez Kevin
Texas eat steak, see cowboys/girls
France beaches
China walk on the great wall
Ibiza Wild On! says its the craziest party in the world
Rome visit Ancient Roman sites
Skydiving high accident rate
Jamaica jet ski, swim, and check out girls
Palm Springs soak up the sun
Costa Rica (2) hang out in the rainforest, volunteer
roadtrip to Texas just to see it
stay at home spend time with family
Heaven its perfect up there
Cancun (2) party like crazy
Cruise Mediterranean tawny says so.
Alberta, Canada glacier climbing
Bora Bora beautiful tropical island
Italy (2) always wanted to go, see historic artifacts
Greece scuba diving/snorkeling
San Felipe nice beaches
Europe tour countries and taste all the food
Mexico climb ancient ruins
Taiwan visit relatives
Roadtrip to Canada its like picture perfect there

STUPID people sightings of the last two weeks 3-13-03
Event 1: A black guy sitting horizontally in the trunk of a brand new 350Z, with the hatch completely open, all the way UP in the air. It gets better though - the geniuses then decide it would be a good idea to get onto the freeway..... Good call!

Event 2: An asian girl who stopped her car in the middle of the goddamn entrance to lot 4 parking structure (the one by Anderson Business School). She was just chilling in there TALKING on her cell phone, utterly unaware that she was blocking the whole freakin' lane, making people go around her! Ahahahah it was hilarious... too bad I didn't have my camera.

Biking in Anaheim and Aaron/Alex 21st 3-8-03
We got on the trail about 1pm, and rode for about 2.5 hours through Anaheim Hills.... hitting the same old (but good) trails. When we got down to the Santiago Nature Center, we came to this rather large-looking "stream" that suneet attempts to ford... but gets stuck somewhere in the middle hehe. By the time we finished, it was too late to go see the Jiujitsu tournament, so I headed up to LA for the twin's birthday. We ate at C&O's Trattoria in Marina del Rey which was packed beyond all belief. It's not hard to see why though, because the food was pretty good (garlic knots..mmmm), it came in unbelievably large portions, and to top it all off, it's cheap! After dinner, we headed over to their apartment to have some cake and hang out. Got Alex's intake installed, hung around, and got liquored-up hehe. Fun stuff.... happy 21st to the ambiguously gay duo!

Injury report and Richey Lam! 3-7
Today was the last class of Jujitsu, and it was probably a good thing too with all the injuries I have suffered in the last few weeks... it's about time I let my body heal from stuff like this. And no, I don't think I bruise easily. Not a good last night either because I got 3 vaccinations earlier in the day for my trip (Hep. A/B, tetanus), and both my arms were feeling really sore/non-mobile, kinda like wielding two gigantic bricks for arms.... needless to say, I didn't do any sparring tonight. And I got my Richey Lam cd today in the mail, and wow! The guy is super talented and there a bunch of good songs. I heard through the grapevine, his almost-Dawson's Creek song ("If the World Stopped") had been picked to be used in MTV's Real World (damn good song!).

Weekend of 3-2
Pretty relaxing weekend, and one of the first which I didn't really have anything to do... so I decided to catch up on two of the newer movies. First one was "Life of David Gale" on Friday which was a very interesting movie with a ton of plot twists. If you can put up with all the anti-death penalty politics, you'll love this movie (Kevin Spacey!!). On Saturday, I went to Lawry's for a "company dinner"-type thing so that was good (as usual). After that, I saw "Cradle 2 the Grave" (aka Romeo Must Die 2) with my little brother - and it was pretty much what I expected. Just don't go in expecting anything and you'll be mindlessly entertained for a few hours. Sunday had me watching Yao and the Rockets on damn Telemundo because that was the only station airing the game. Dropped my bike off for repairs cuz both the front and rear brakes were sticking. And just randomly, I now own a 2001 BMW 325ci. We couldn't sell the car for the last few months so now my mom and I are going to split the payments on it until it's paid off in a few years.... so yeah, now I get to join the "hey look, my parents spoil me" - club hehe. Damn this car, I'm already looking for parts!!!

Planned mods:
19" SSR GT-3
Install all my old car audio
Kickpanels for Orion HCCA 6s
JL stealthbox
Hamman lip kit + paint/install
M3 lip spoiler + paint/install
clear corners front/rear
Cold air intake

FS)@(*$LJFD~!!! 2-25-03
Final results: 2 large bruises/cuts on right bicep, 1 bruise on right forearm, twisted right wrist, 1 cut on left bicep, 1 scratch/bruise on neck, 1 sratch/bruise on left cheek, twisted neck, and to top it all off, semi-KICKED in the freakin' nuts by fatty's fat foot because we were fighting for position. Uggggghhhh..... body is soooo f-ed up right now... damn jujitsu!

Biking at El Prieto, and CACN 2-22-03
After missing the entire thing last time, we finally found this damn trail! It was up about 3 miles on a fire road, then down a very technical single track - complete with a ton of switchbacks - through the woods, all the way back to where we started. Actually I was amazed that we managed to make it all the way through with a ton of forks in the trail with these very informative signs . Really great trail, minus the scary parts where it runs along the edge and you only have about 18" to ride on with a pretty big drop on one side, and the mountain on the other. After biking, went back to see the annual Chinese American Culture Night which was decent... following the same ole formula of all the other culture nights, but the cast did a great job considering that they this is what they had to do when the rest of us have free time.

Night out, then suprise party for Victor 2-21-03
Had dinner at Valentinos, which was kinda dissapointing since it was just decent, but definitely nothing spectacular. But anyway, afterwards, we headed over to Victor's suprise birthday party. And DAMN, all I gotta say is Victor has some very "giving" friends. He "received" kisses from god knows how many girls, body shots taken off his chest, freaked by a mob of chicks, some of which joined him in bed later (all very non-sexual mind you ;-)). And the best part? It's all on camera! I can't wait to see his face when he sees what he couldn't remember from this night. Maybe I can post the pics later in a special "Girls Gone Wild: Victor's 21st" section or something hehe.

Brian Head, Utah 2-13 to 2-16-03
Day 1: Arrived in Brian Head around 4pm and just barely missed the incoming storm. Right after we got there, it promptly began to POUR snow (literally). The condo was in a great location, and close enough to just sled down onto the slopes. Shortly after, we began the first night skiing/sledding session in a ton of powder!
Day 2: Good, clear weather in the morning (thats Winnie), but it turned cloudy and got pretty cold later on. The runs were excellent (as usual) and it wasn't TOO crowded. We built a cool snowman , and even captured his "death" on video (too big to post online hehe).
Day 3: Us, outside on the last day. The weather was again clear early on, but got really cloudy/windy/cold later on. For whatever reason, it was almost empty and there was almost no line for the lift at all. But, we only made it partway through the day and called it quits around 2:30. Ahhhhh.... as with all great trips, it just seemed too damn short!

Mountain Biking 2-8-03
The weather was absolutely beautiful today, but we barely had any time today since we didn't get to the trail until about 4:40pm or so.... and then when we got there, we took a wrong turn and pretty much ended up on a wide, flat, boring dirt road for most of the time. Grrrr.... oh well, on the upside, I got a trail map of the San Gabriel mountains and there is a cool little trail nearby that ends at a 50 foot waterfall! I will definitely check that one out next time.