Tuesday, August 27, 2002

All new entries are in my subprofile.... I am using this site as an archive for the old stuff that wouldn't fit.

Archives from sub-profile July to August 8, 2002

Upgrade complete 8-8
Got the new Pentium 4 1800A up and running at a cool 2400mhz. Can probably get another few hundred mhz out of it.... hopefully anyway. Just as I thought though, no real noticeable difference over the old one hehe. Destroyed my 80gb hdd in the process and 'had' to replace it with a newer 120gb WD SE one =)

Bumper sticker of the week 8-4
As seen on the back of a 88-91 Honda Civic
"Guns don't kill people, religions do."

Tawny's birthday thingy 8-3
Went to buca di beppos for dinner and met a lot of cool new people.... had tons of fun. But to top the night off it was decided that we should go ice-blocking. For anyone who doesn't know what ice-blocking is... well, basically you goto your local supermarket and buy a 'brick' of ice, measuring about 18"x10" or so. Then you goto a nearby park/golf course/etc., and find a steep, grassy hill that is preferably wet (go after the sprinklers come on). You then proceed by going to the top, placing a towel/rug on top of the brick of ice, sit on it as best you can, lift up your feet, and attempt to balance your body on the small brick - all the while ignoring those nagging thoughts your pesky brain comes up with.... you know things like "brakes? nope. steering? nope. seat belt? nope. helmet? nope. all right, off we go!" Fly down the hill, trying not to fall off... if you get really good, you can then mix it up by going headfirst, standing, or any other crazy ish you can think up. Finally wrapped up the night with a few games of good ole n64 smash.

Recent discoveries (courtesy of the History Channel)
-During the construction of the aswan dam (nile river, in egypt), it was pointed out that many ancient egyptian temples/shrines were going to be flooded by the lake that would emerge after completion of the dam. However, various countries throughout the world actually came together to save them by cutting up these temples (don't ask how, I still don't know..) and relocating them to higher ground.
-Diesel engines use oil/fuel-injection and have no spark plugs.

Towed 7-22
Yup, it's official, I am an idiot. My car got towed away this morning because I neglected to notice that the stupid sign on Bundy says parking is only allowed saturday and sunday. At first I thought my car got jacked by some bastards... but nope, it was only the city of LA. I ended up going to pick up the car where they charged me all these ridiculous fees, including a parking ticket - $213 wasted, and to think of all the random, useless stuff I could have better spent that money on :'(

Jetskis 7-20
Holy mother of crap, jetskis/waverunners are so freakin' fun! Went for almost two hours today, and it was pretty exciting. Sad part was when I got back, the guy told me our particular model "only" ran up to 35mph.... and I doubt I ever hit that, but that thing feels crazy fast when you're bouncing up and down on all the waves. They had this other sport model that supposedly did 70mph.... insane =-O

Final Fantasy X 7-18
YEESSS!! I beat FFX after dying on the "last" guy a few times. And what is with the super-crappy final boss after the real one?? Lame! In the end, it "only" took 34 hours..... ahhh now the question is, was that 34 hours wasted? or well spent? ... the world may never know

BOAT 7-16
Project B.O.A.T. started today and I think we got most of the design issues ironed out (not that there are that many). So it's basically going to just be a box with two triangle-type things on the end for now, with two benches on the inside, and maybe some additional shelves or something. Gonna just pretty much wing it from here.... hehe... hope it turns out well =)

Insurance claim 7-15
jon, who decided to make good on his insurance 'claim' for his cellphone (said it got run over), and then actually followed through by running it over with his car.... leaving it in about 15 pieces.

Super Soakers 7-4
Me and Howie bought some super soakers at target, and can you believe they've actually designed some of them so you don't need to pump them anymore! SooOOo cool! Needless to say, my gun destroyed all that opposed it. We lit about $50 worth of loud/bright fireworks which was kinda fun.... and did a few test shots of the potato cannon. Speaking of which, the "beast" is about 15ft long, made of solid black-colored pvc, and is "deafening" to say the least - at least it's got the cannon part down. Damn Suneet for pushing me into the pool TWICE... bastard!

date unknown
copied-and-pasted from earlier IM conversation

Beggohbee: okay so two nights ago, i'm at nickel-nickel (arcade) after hours cuz my friend's friend is the manager there, so we're just chillin' playing games and cards
Beggohbee: me and howie leave at around 1:45am, and on the way out we see some kids hanging out in the parking lot... but don't think much of it
Beggohbee: but, this is where it gets good, apparently, right after we left, the couple we saw out at the parking lot comes strolling in, reeking of vodka and the girl topless
Beggohbee: the guy asks "what do you think of my gf's tits" and they're like... wtf!! i mean they're about 15-16 years old, and so they just pretty much kick them out cuz they don't want any trouble
Beggohbee: so you think that's the end? nope. after that, as my friends are preparing to leave, they head to their cars but guess what they run into?
Beggohbee: the girl giving her boyfriend a blowjob in the middle of a goddamn in-n-out parking lot
Beggohbee: oh, and it gets better
Beggohbee: so my friends are like "wtf" (again), and decided to wait it out... while the girl and her boyfriend's "groupies" (other friends) sit and WATCH, cheering them on
Beggohbee: so some time passes, and the street sweepers come, blowing their leaf blowers getting rid of trash, blahblah in the parking lot.. and they stop and start watching. they couldn't believe what they were seeing, and it was these two mexican guys, saying random things like "what the fuck, get a room" in a very ese-like voice
Beggohbee: however, our magical couple doesn't miss a beat, and she keeps right at it
Beggohbee: and you think it ends here?
Beggohbee: nope.
Beggohbee: then my friend george starts talking about how it would be hilarious if the cops showed up and busted them. so brandon decides to give them a call... and a few minutes later, the cops show up, searching the darker parts of the parking lot... not even able to find them because they're genius asses were in the lit part. but anyway they finally find them and shines their big ass spotlights... and then they finally stop. the guy's mom ends up coming to pick him up, and the girl was released with some friend of hers

kids nowadays.... sheesh.